Incontrol 4.47.0

September 10, 2024

  • Attachments and maps: Attachments (and maps) are now available to professional and higher (previously premium and higher).
  • New map element: Added a new map element to upload PDF or images and allows the user to add markers to it.
  • Support for imports: Added support for imports.
  • Markers in PDF: Markers are also visible in the PDF.
  • PDF page picker: When uploading a PDF with multiple pages, a page picker allows the user to select the page.
  • New map maker element: Added a new map maker element that connects to a map element and allows the user to use a marker inside the document.
  • Attachment import support: Added import support to the attachment element (also from a map element).
  • DraftEditor image navigation: The draftEditor images element now shows arrows to navigate to the next/previous image.
  • Improved mobile view: Improved the mobile view of many pages
  • Improved grid layout: Improved the grid layout of many pages with consistent margins between rows and columns.
  • PDF Margins: Improved the margins of the PDF with consistent margins between rows and columns, and adjusted the margin above the title of the section to better match the look and feel.
  • Asset change detection: Improved the detection of changes in mobile/web assets so not every hotfix will force users to update all assets.
  • FormBuilder text editor: In the formBuilder text editor, there is now a default text size option (10.5pt) and an option to select the header styling (same size and weight).
  • iOS dropdown focus: On iOS, the automatic focus in dropdowns caused focus issues in other textboxes. This was resolved by disabling auto-focus on iOS.
  • Label/text alignment: When aligning the label and/or text to the left of an element, it did not work correctly if the element was full width.
  • Draft editor loading: When only adding a case element to a form, the draft editor did not load.
  • Layout differences: Fixed layout differences between Android/Web and iOS, including datetime alignment and color.
  • Manual barcode entry: You can now again enter a manual code in the barcode element in the app.