Mobile-friendly menu: The new (mobile-friendly) menu has been implemented on the following pages:
Draft/finalize (both JS and the read-only version)
Navigation improvements: The previous and next buttons while editing a draft now display the section name (if available).
Error Handling: When you finalize a draft with errors during editing, it navigates to the first error (collapsed dynamic sections with errors will also be expanded).
Error Handling: When you complete a draft without the required signatures, it navigates to the first error.
Security group required: When editing a user, you must now select at least one security group or team.
Helpcenter links: All Helpcenter links now point to,
Helpcenter: All English URLs of the new Helpcenter pages have been added.
Removal of the Chinese language: The Chinese language has been removed from the portal because, after moving the draft and document pages to webComponents, there are no longer any visible translations.
Buttons for smaller devices: The 'my forms' buttons for smaller devices have been updated to allow more text for the form title.
Mobile UI components: Many mobile UI components have been modified.
Scroll position: The scroll position has been improved, although it may still vary in large sections that take a long time to load.
Blocking element: The blocking element now displays default text when there is no alias in the text.
(Nearly) expired texts: The texts in the new menu have been fixed, following the same business rules as in the old menu.
Tooltip: On mobile, the tooltip of the menu was positioned behind the content.
Organization name styling: The organization name had a different style in the old and new menus.
Container-element: The condition in the container element can now be manually changed.