Incontrol 4.44.0

May 23, 2024
  • Implemented the new (mobile friendly) menu on the following pages.
    • Draft/edit.
    • Draft/incomplete.
    • Draft/shareDetails.
    • Draft/finalize (both JS and the read-only version).
    • Document/details.
    • DocumentShare/details.
  • The previous and next buttons while editing a draft now show the section name (when available).
  • When you finalize a draft with errors while editing it will go to the first error (also collapsed dynamics with errors will expand).
  • When you complete a draft while finalizing without required signatures it will go to the first error.
  • When editing a user you must now select at least one Security group or Team.
  • All Helpcenter links now point to
  • Added all the English URLs of the new Helpcenter pages.
  • Changed the text for 'Expired organizations' to a text more in line with the brand.
  • Updated the admin menu colors to be more in line with the new designs.
  • Removed the Chinees language from the portal because we don't have any visible translations anymore after moving the draft and document pages to webComponents.
  • Updated the 'my forms' buttons for smaller devices to allow more text for the title of a form.
  • Tweaked a lot of mobile UI components.
  • Improved the scroll position (it is still off on large sections that take a "lot of time" to load.
  • Blocking element shows default text when there is no alias in the text.
  • Fixed the (almost) expired texts in the new menu and used the same business rules in the old and new menu.
  • On mobile the tooltip of the menu was behind the content.
  • The organization name on the old en new menu were styled differently.
  • The condition in the container element could be resized manually.