Incontrol Apple iOS 4.3.0

July 3, 2023

Major refactor of everything related to saving and synchronizing drafts. Fixed bug in asynchronous image uploading.
Bug Fixes
  • Files are only deleted if they have been in the database for at least 1 day (creation date is stored).
  • Full synchronization (or other synchronizations) is no longer initiated when the Draft editor is open.
  • When uploading the draft in the Draft editor, the status of the draft is no longer set to synchronized, except when synchronizing/uploading when the user closes the Draft editor.
  • Photos taken or imported in the Draft editor are now saved in a separate temporary folder until they are moved to the Files folder and a database item is created. This means that until they are in the Database and given to the Draft editor, we now store them in a different folder than before. Previously, we stored them in the same folder as the parts of the Concept editor, which was deleted when closing the Concept editor. This could sometimes cause errors with many photos. This issue is now resolved.
  • Drafts are retrieved in more places based on an ID instead of being passed as an object.
  • After uploading a Draft, we compare the number of uploaded files. If they do not match, we do not update the Draft status. We also make a request for missing files to ensure that the backend has all files.
  • Downloading HTML files now happens asynchronously (with 5 concurrent downloads). This speeds up synchronization.
  • Camera bug fixed: done button hit area was too small on iPad in landscape.
  • Minor UI improvements.