
How Incontrol digitizes the housing industry

  • 05 November, 2021
  • Koen Mulder
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Digitalization is a top priority for many organizations across various industries. The use of Incontrol means an efficiency boost for many organizations in terms of data collection and processing. This has been no different in recent years for the housing industry. Digitizing forms and reports is a step that more and more organizations in the housing industry are taking with Incontrol. But what possibilities does this offer? Let's take a look at a workflow with Incontrol and why this is becoming the solution for digital inspections for more and more organizations.

Together we develop your ideal inspection

Through collaboration with various partners, complete standard forms are available within Incontrol, allowing you to get started right away. However, everyone works in their own way, and an inspection is not the same for everyone. With Incontrol, we shape your forms the way you want. With over 40 different building blocks, it's possible to customize all forms exactly to your liking. In collaboration with our Customer Success Managers, we develop an inspection form that perfectly fits your process. This ensures that you can collect the right information effortlessly.


Save valuable time with the QR code

The inspection starts with entering the general data of the property and resident(s). This time is saved with the QR code present at each property. By scanning the QR code at the beginning of the inspection, the standard data of the property is automatically loaded, and the inspection can start right away. Information is retrieved through a connection with your existing CRM system. This ensures that data is always complete and consistent with your existing data. And administrative tasks such as entering general data are a thing of the past.

Import existing data and export to your current database

Once the inspection has started, it's important for the inspector to get a clear picture of the situation. Data, defects, and meter readings from the past play an important role here. By connecting to your existing CRM and/or ERP system, you quickly retrieve existing information from previous inspections during the inspection. This way, on-site comparisons are made to see if defects have been occurring for a longer period or if a certain pattern is visible. With the retrieval of meter readings, action can be taken immediately if the new values deviate. This way, you are always informed about the situation during the inspection, and a solution is never far away. After completing the inspection, the collected data is sent back to your CRM and ERP system, keeping your database always up-to-date.

Quickly address identified defects thanks to ticket management

Of course, during the inspection, there may always be special circumstances that cannot be resolved immediately. With Incontrol, a ticket can be created directly within the form, assigning the task to the relevant specialist. For example, some tasks may require a technician to be called in. By creating the ticket, the technician receives a notification that a ticket is ready and has access to the inspection form. This way, the problem can be addressed immediately, with comments and photos demonstrating that the issue has been resolved. Based on different priorities, you ensure that tickets are addressed at the right time. After creating the tickets, they end up in a clear overview, ensuring that all identified defects can be managed. This keeps communication lines short and ensures that the right people are always informed about the necessary tasks.


Share reports with third parties in your own corporate identity

After the inspection, Incontrol automatically creates a report in your corporate identity. Consisting of the data you entered, photos, and any comments in one concise document. This way, completed inspections can be quickly and securely shared with the customer, tenants, or other stakeholders.

Compare data and discover trends in one comprehensive dashboard

All data from the inspections is automatically transferred to a comprehensive dashboard. Meter readings, defects, repairs, and other special circumstances are displayed per location and can be compared with each other. This creates a clear picture of the current situation and possible trends, for example, in energy consumption within the property. This allows for quick action to prevent defects or break certain trends. Because ultimately being able to prevent defects or unnecessary costs and tasks; that's where the real difference is made!


In short, with Incontrol, we ensure together that the quality of your services is guaranteed. In collaboration with our Customer Success Managers, you create the ideal workflow for your inspections, reports, and data processing. With the aim of making the highest possible efficiency improvement for your organization.

Curious about what Incontrol has to offer for your organization? Start a 14-day trial. The trial is without obligation and completely free of charge! 

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