
Digitize condition assessments with NEN 2767 using Incontrol

  • 09 February, 2021
  • Frank Schröder
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Save time and money by conducting condition assessments with Incontrol


The condition of buildings, roofs, and/or roads is constantly changing. Therefore, it's important to measure the condition in an objective and uniform manner. For this purpose, NEN 2767 is the key instrument. Combine NEN 2767 with Incontrol and you get the mobile solution for a condition assessment in accordance with NEN 2767.

Form Builder

Thanks to Incontrol's powerful Form Builder, every condition assessment can be digitized and customized for your organization. Choose from over 40 building blocks to measure the physical quality of building and/or infrastructure components optimally. Of course, you can also enlist the help of an Incontrol professional to digitize your condition assessment together.

Adding photos has never been easier

Thanks to Incontrol's native applications, you can easily add photos of the current condition. Make a note on the photo to clarify the condition. The photo is automatically added to your report, so you don't have to transfer it from your camera afterwards.

Perform calculations with Incontrol

Add calculations to your forms so that the costs for any repair work are automatically calculated and clearly displayed in your report.

Dynamic forms

Make your forms dynamic by using smart solutions only, so that you only need to fill in the data that is needed at that moment and you don't have to scroll through long lists. Ask follow-up questions based on the answers you provide.

Professional reports

By digitally collecting the data, it's immediately placed in the right location in your report. Are you done? Then a professional report is automatically sent to your client and is available for download. This allows you to proceed directly to your next appointment without needing to create a report afterward in the office.

Are you curious about Incontrol and how you can conduct a condition assessment digitally? Contact us and schedule an appointment.

Incontrol is the specialist in the technical market. Digitize the MJOP for branches including Roofing, Commercial Real Estate, Residential Real Estate, or Installation Technology.

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