Incontrol Android 3.2.0

July 27, 2023

  • Improved version update control - The app now no longer relies solely on backend information but uses in-app updates to check for updates.
  • Faster file uploads - Unique files are now uploaded simultaneously, with a maximum of 5 at a time. This also applies to file downloads.
  • Backend re-execution of the draft editor - This should make the draft editor more stable.
  • Delete only files older than 1 day.
Bug Fixes
  • Searching for Forms/Drafts/Documents now behaves as on the web.
  • The initial synchronization is now excluded from the 'sync only with wifi' control so that users who have this setting enabled can now log in properly without wifi.
  • Added a notification for users uploading a draft with null json content. This is done to make it easier for users to delete these corrupt drafts.
  • Added a third option to the missing json prompt so users don't have to go to the bug report screen to delete their drafts. The third option deletes the draft only locally.
  • Correct business logic implemented to disable the ability to clone documents based on certain criteria.
  • Changed the order of synchronization steps so that cloning documents no longer requires two synchronizations.
  • Fixed a synchronization crash issue.